2023년 1월 6일 금요일

미국 던파 대사집 - 바이킹 주점

In a time of blood and war, when the Viking and other tribes were battling each other.
The Vikings, who were known as the most powerful tribe that dominated the era, were returning to their homeland after achieving yet another flawless victory over their foes.

But suddenly, their ship capsized due to an unexpected typhoon.
Amidst the chaos, Thorfinn, a young Viking who was helping other Viking warriors on the ship, got swept by a gigantic wave and fell down to the sea.

Just before he lost his mind, Thorfinn found something that emitted a mysterious light from the deep sea.

“Are you OK? Hello? Can you see me?”
Thorfinn opened his eyes to a voice that he had never heard of.

“Where am I…? And who are you?"
Thorfinn asked with a puzzled look on his face.

A woman who appeared to be the owner of the unfamiliar voice spoke to Thorfinn once again with a concerned look.

“My name is Seria, and this is a land called Arad.
An adventurer found you near the beach and brought you here.
But… Looking at your outfit, I don’t think you’re from this world…?”

Thorfinn barely raised his body and expressed his gratitude to Seria.
“Thank you for rescuing me, Ms. Seria. But is that…”
Thorfinn asked, pointing to a mysterious glowing object shining beside Seria.

“This portal was generated just after you came here. I think this may be the door that could bring you back to the world you came from.”

After taking a close look, Thorfinn was able to find the silhouette of his homeland through the other side of the portal.
Hesitating for a second, Thorfinn headed towards the portal. Just before he entered the portal, Thorfinn turned back and asked Seria.

“Uh… Seria… May I know the name of the adventurer who saved my life?”

Seria answered with a bright smile.
“Well… I heard that he’s the bravest and strongest adventurer in all of Arad.
I’m sure that you would recognize him at a glance.”

After thinking about Seria’s words for a while, the little Viking said goodbye to Seria and headed into the portal.
Before leaving, Thorfinn sends a final farewell to Seria.

“Seria! It would be nice if you could visit our town through this portal… With the adventurer who saved me!
Our town is having a festival now, and I’m sure that everyone would love it if you could make a visit!”

[Event] Viking Tavern - Odin's Sober

[이벤트] 바이킹 주점 - 오딘의 소버

Welcome back, adventurer.
The young viking you rescued is awake now and is looking for you. You should go see him.
돌아오셨군요, 모험가님.
당신이 구해주신 어린 바이킹님이 지금 깨어나서 당신을 찾고 있더라고요. 가서 만나보세요. 
Adventurer! It's nice to see you again!I heard from Seria that you rescued me.
There is a festival going on in my town and I want to invite you there. You will come, right?
모험가! 다시 만나서 반가워! 나를 구해줬다는 걸 세리아에게 들었어.
우리 동네에 축제가 열리고 있는데 거기로 초대하고 싶어. 너도 올 거지?

Talk to Thorfinn.
토르핀과 대화해보자.

<퀘스트 완료>
Good! The festival will take place for quite a while longer so please come by often!
좋아! 축제는 오래 열 예정이니까 자주 놀러와!

[Event] Viking Tavern - Hidden Space

[이벤트] 바이킹 주점 - 숨겨진 공간

What the... how did you find this place??
Anyway, nice to meet you. I am MJ, one of the game designers of DFO.
I have been closely observing every adventurer who enters this tavern.
My intentions are obviously to see how you guys were enjoying the festivities. Yup. Really. You believe me, right?
뭐야... 여긴 어떻게 찾았어??
어쨌든 만나서 반가워. DFO의 게임 디자이너 중 한 명인 MJ라고 해.
주점에 들어오는 모든 모험가들을 면밀히 관찰해왔어.
목적은 너희들이 어떻게 축제를 즐기는지 보는거야. 응. 진짜야. 내 말 믿지?

Get MJ's Gift
MJ의 선물 받기

<퀘스트 완료>
Don't tell anyone that I'm here.
내가 왔다고 아무한테도 말하지 마.

[Event] Viking Tavern - Hidden Space2

[이벤트] 바이킹 주점 - 숨겨진 공간2

Oh my.. you scared the hell out of me. Why in the world would you ever come here?!?
(Let me watch you in peace...) Jerry will kill me if he finds out what I am doing.
Anyway, hope you are looking forward to the level 100 update coming soon!
아 이런.. 깜짝 놀랐잖아. 왜 여기 온 거야?!?
(나를 조용히 지켜보며...) 제리가 내 일을 알면 날 죽일거야.
어찌돼었든, 100 레벨 업데이트가 곧 나오니까 기대해!

Get MJ's Gift
MJ의 선물 받기

<퀘스트 완료>
Someone leaked my location last time. Please don't tell anyone this time. Okay?
저번에 누가 내 위치를 누설했거든. 이번에는 아무한테도 말하지 마. 알았지?

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