2022년 12월 5일 월요일

엔피시 대사집 - 스콧

Hey, you there! You look quite familiar… Have we met before? What?!?! No?!?! I think I might have amnesia or something. I can’t seem to remember who I am or where this place is.

Well, in order to get my memories back, I need your help.
Could you collect some energies for me? This energy is the only way I can return to the place I came from. How do I go back? Don’t ask, friend. I am sick and tired of collecting energies, and I can’t be bothered with any questions.

Take a look at this though. I am sure this will tempt you to help me. Can you guess how valuable this item contained in this box is? Some fools abandoned these. They must have went out of business and I can definitely see why that happened.

Anyway, I have no use for this but I bet you do. You really want them, don’t ya?
How about this? Go collect some energy for me
and in exchange I will give you these! Do we have a deal?
<말풍선 대사>
Energy! I need energy!
에너지! 에너지가 필요해!

<말풍선 대사>
Don't ask useless questions!
쓸데없는 질문은 하지 말게!

<말풍선 대사>
Don't you want what's inside this box?
상자 안에 무엇이 들어 있는지 궁금한가?

<말풍선 대사>
Hey, you! You look like you'd be great at collecting energy...
이봐, 자네! 기운 좀 모아줬으면 하는데...

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