2023년 1월 9일 월요일

미국 던파 대사집 - 다카스트 캐슬

“One day after the storm has passed, a sinkhole appeared on the surface with a giant roaring sound.”

A small tunnel had also appeared in Seria’s room. And through the crevice, a mysterious voice was heard.
At the end of the voice, there was a camp that was set in the ruins. And at the camp, a neatly dressed women and a ragged man was having a heated argument near the sinkhole.

The two groups, which would not normally run into each other, gathered here to ‘excavate the ruins of an ancient civilization.’ The ‘ruins exploration group’ was a group of highly-educated intellectuals who had a fantasy about ‘adventuring,’ and they despised the group of graverobbers who were known to perform all kinds of dirty and shady activities in the past. On the other side, the graverobbers, which have gone through hell and high water in their lives, was not so fond of the ‘exploration group’ since they were mostly made up of noble children who were born with all kinds of privileges and wealth.
The head of the investigation team first recognized the adventurer and asked for help.

“Those dirty graverobbers were always threatening us intellectuals from day one. And they even committed murder!”

The head of the graverobbers also shouted out with anger.
“You guys killed one of our members first with a strange-looking tool! You hypocrites!”
It seemed that the excavation was put to a halt after finding two bodies inside a cave. The adventurer thought that there was something inside the cave and suggested that he/she will go deep inside the cave to find the cause of the death. After hearing from the adventurer, the head of the exploration group offered the adventurer a strange tool that they have made.

“I hope this tool can help you.”

After putting the strange tool inside his bag, the adventurer headed for the cave.

A Voice from the Darkest Castle

어두운 성에서 들려오는 목소리

Can you hear my voice? If you can, please help! This place is too cold and has many jagged edges. It's loud here.
내 목소리가 들리는가? 할 수 있다면, 도와주게! 여긴 너무 춥고 거슬려. 시끄럽다고.

Move to the ruins camp through the secret cave.
비밀 동굴을 통해 유적 캠프장으로 이동하기.

<퀘스트 완료>
Finally, my voice has reached someone. I'm very deep down here. Oh, I can't do this anymore.
마침내, 내 목소리가 누군가에게 닿았구나. 난 여기 깊은 곳에 있다. 아, 더 이상은 못 견딘다.

Incoming Conflict

들어오는 갈등

Who are you? Not everyone has access to this place! 
넌 누구지? 여긴 아무나 오는 게 아니야!
Haha, it's not even funny. You get out. You're disrespecting this holy space!! 
하하, 웃기지도 않네요. 당신이나 나가요. 이 신성한 공간을 무시하다니!!
Huh? You sound like you were born yesterday. Don't disturb my business. Just get out of here. 
어? 너 꼭 세상 물정을 모르는 것 같은데. 내 일을 방해하지 마. 걍 여기서 꺼져.
Please watch your language. Being rude is not something that you should be proud of. Adventurer, I offer my apology for their being rude on their behalf. They even take a man's life as a joke to satisfy their greed. 
말조심하세요. 무례하게 구는 건 자랑이 아니거든요. 모험가님, 전 그들이 무례하게 군 점에 사과하겠습니다. 그들은 심지어 욕심을 채우기 위해 사람의 목숨을 농담으로 받아들일 정도입니다.
Hey, be careful with what you're saying. Adventurer, they were supposed to explore or whatever, then they messed up in the cave and threatened us in the dark. We're not interested in a man's life. It isn't worth the price, then what shall I do to harm it? 
이봐, 말조심해. 모험가, 탐험 같은 것 하기로 했는데 동굴을 엉망으로 만들고 어둠 속에서 우릴 위협했어. 우린 사람 목숨엔 관심이 없다구. 그럴 가치가 없는데, 어떻게 해를 가하겠냐?
Wow, we can't communicate with them. Adventurer, we're researching for the future of Arad, and now we're being bothered by these pricks. Please help us to find what's happening in the darkest castle. We tried, but we can't afford to lose our outstanding talents anymore. 
와, 소통이 안 되네요. 모험가님, 저희는 아라드의 미래를 위해 연구 중인데, 지금 이 멍청이들 때문에 골치예요. 어두운 성에서 무슨 일이 벌어지는지 알 수 있게 도와주세요. 노력했지만, 저희의 우수한 인재를 더 이상 잃을 수는 없어요.
Whoa! That's what we want. Outstanding talents? No joking. We've taken some serious damage, and this false charge is just blocking us from doing our job. We'll reward you handsomely, so please find out what's going on in the darkest castle. We'll appreciate it a lot. But, don't touch any treasures. 
오우! 그게 우리가 원하는 거야. 우수한 인재? 농담 하냐. 우리는 심각한 피해를 입었고, 이 누명으로 우리의 일을 방해하고 있어. 후한 보상을 줄테니 어두운 성에서 무슨 일이 벌어지는지 알아봐 줘. 대단히 고마울거야. 하지만, 어떤 보물도 만지지 마.
 (Maybe, the sound has something to do with the voice that has called me here. I'll try to go to the darkest castle.)
(아마, 그 소리는 나를 여기로 부른 목소리와 관련이 있을 것이다. 어두운 성에 가봐야겠다.)

Ahead to the darkest castle in the historic excavations
유적 발굴 현장 안의 어두운 성으로 향하기

<퀘스트 완료>
Hold on, if you don't mind, will you take cards that we found and exploration machines? They will be helpful for sure. 
잠시만요, 괜찮으시다면 저희가 발견한 카드와 탐사 기계 좀 가져가 주시겠어요? 확실히 도움이 될 거예요.
Yes, I will.
네, 그럴게요.

<다카스트 캐슬>
I am the ghost, wandering in this castle. I will test you to see if you're qualified to find the secret of this castle.
나는 이 성을 떠도는 유령이다. 네가 이 성의 비밀을 알아낼 자격이 있는지 시험해보지.

I woke up after a long, long sleep and noticed some unpleasant thing crawling around. What is it?
길고 긴 잠을 자다 일어났는데 뭔가 불쾌한 것이 기어 다니는 걸 발견했다. 그것은 무엇인가?
- A spider.
- 거미.
- An ant.
- 개미.

I dreamed of something cold wandering around, dragging its broken body. What are they?
차가운 무언가가 망가진 몸을 끌고 돌아다니는 꿈을 꿨다. 그것들은 무엇인가?
- Ghosts of cursed knights
- 저주받은 기사의 유령
- Piles of weapons
- 무기 더미

I've been learning about a more powerful weapon that makes the owner stronger. Have you seen it?
소유주를 더 강하게 만드는 강력한 무기를 알게 되었다. 그것을 보았나?
- I haven't.
- 아직 못 봤습니다.
- I've seen something, not a beast or a machine.
- 짐승이나 기계가 아닌 뭔가를 봤어요.

Do you know who I am?
내가 누군지 아는가?
- I don't.
- 모르겠어요.
- I think so.
- 알 것 같은데요.

Avarice corrupts this place in a deep sleep. What is it you want?
탐욕이 숙면을 취하는 동안 이곳을 타락시켰다. 원하는 게 무엇인가?
- I'm here to to follow the calling.
- 소리를 따라 왔습니다.
- Treasure hunt
- 보물찾기

My body is also sleeping somewhere very deep. Do you know where it is?
내 몸도 아주 깊은 곳에서 자고 있지. 그곳이 어떤 곳인지 아는가?
- No, I don't.
- 아뇨, 몰라요.
- Yes, I do. 
- 네, 알아요.

What strengths does this require?
강함을 위해 필요한 게 무엇인가?
- Strong mind
- 강한 마음
- Powerful army
- 강력한 군대

Did you check the weapon I left? It's for a future hero.
내가 남긴 무기를 확인했나? 미래의 영웅을 위한 것이다.
- A card?
- 카드?
- A set of armor?
- 갑옷 세트?

Have you found the owner of the voice that led you?
널 이끈 목소리의 주인을 찾아내었느냐?
- No, I haven't.
- 아뇨, 아직 못 봤어요.
- Yes, I think I have.
- 네, 그런 것 같아요.

Have you entered the endless maze?
끝없는 미궁에 들어가 보았나?
- Yes.
- 네.
- No.
- 아니오.

Some impure things were wandering around in here, which became strong through the power that I left behind. Do you know that the power is?
내가 남긴 힘으로 강해진 이곳에는 불순한 것들이 떠돌고 있다. 그 힘이 뭔지 아는가?
- Ancient Coins.
- 고대 금화.
- The Holy Grail of miracles.
- 기적의 성배.

Do you know why it's noisy outside? It's too loud to sleep.
바깥이 왜 소란스러운지 아는가? 너무 시끄러워서 잘 수가 없다.
- I do not know.
- 모르겠어요.
- The ruins exploration group and graverobbers are fighting. They've come to resolve some conflict.
- 유적 조사단과 도굴단이 싸우고 있어요. 그들은 갈등을 해결하기 위해 왔습니다.

What brought you here?
무엇 때문에 온 건가?
- The promise of ancient treasure.
- 고대 보물의 가능성.
- I was following the call of a mysterious voice.
- 신비한 목소리의 부름에 이끌려서요.

Have you ever heard a mysterious voice?
신비한 목소리를 들어보았는가?
- Yes, I have. It's the reason I've come here. 
- 네, 들었어요. 그게 제가 여기 온 이유예요.
- No, I haven't.
- 아뇨, 못 들었어요.

Do you want to know the secret of this place?
이곳의 비밀을 알고 싶은가?
- Yes, I do.
- 예, 그렇습니다.
- No. I don't care.
- 아뇨. 관심 없어요.


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