2023년 4월 27일 목요일

엔피시 대사집 - 따스한 불꽃 정령

Warm Flame Spirit
Here is the legend about the mythical lake that suddenly formed in Underfoot.

"The tears shed by adventurers over the years have slowly formed into a lake.
Fishing on this lake will give you inner peace and heal your damaged soul."

On a random visit to the lake I encountered a strange, yet warm hearted Flame Spirit.
"Have you come here after hearing about the legend? Here is some bait for ye. Wanna join me?"
<말풍선 대사>
Are you heartbroken like me?
너도 나처럼 마음이 아프니?

<말풍선 대사>
You can bring me anything...Sardine, Salmon, Lobster or even a Tin Can.
아무거나 가져와도 돼...정어리, 연어, 바닷가재, 심지어 깡통까지도.

<말풍선 대사>
Wanna go fishing together? I will make the baits.
같이 낚시 해볼래? 미끼를 만들게.

<말풍선 대사>
When will there be peace in Arad..
언제쯤 아라드에는 평화가 찾아올까..

<보상 메시지>
Underfoot Fishitival
Here is some bait for ye. Wanna join me?
여기 네 미끼가 있어. 같이 갈래?

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