2023년 6월 24일 토요일

엔피시 대사집 - 빨래 정령

Laundromat Fairy
A magical fairy has appeared out of the blue in Underfoot Square!
"Ugh! I cannot stand those filthy avatars you are wearing... let me wash them up for you!"
Looks like this little fairy is eager to wash your old avatars and give it a fresh new look.
Eliminate Dust Monsters in Optimal Level Dungeons to obtain 'Soap' and bring it to the fairy
Guess what?!? The magical fairy from Blazing Laundromat has returned to Underfoot!
Have you ever wanted to try on those awesome looking Rare Avatars? Well, this is your chance!
She will lend you Rare Avatars at a very cheap price! Don't miss it!
How have you been, adventurer? It's me again, the blazing laundromat fairy!
Oh, I cannot stand how grimy your avatars are! Bring me some Soap and so I can clean them for you.
Eliminate Dust monsters in Optimal Level Dungeons to obtain 'Soap' and bring it to the fairy!
How have you been, adventurer? It's me again, the blazing laundromat fairy!
I've recently added some avatars to my collection and… they are scaring the hell out of me!
Please take these terrifying avatars from me.
Eliminate Dust monsters in Optimal Level Dungeons to obtain 'Soap' and bring it to the fairy!
<말풍선 대사>
Hey adventurer, that's some dirty clothes you got on there. Let me wash'em up for you.
이봐 모험가, 입고 있는 그 더러운 옷 말이야. 내가 씻어줄게.

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