2023년 9월 15일 금요일

엔피시 대사집 - 들뜬 윷

Excited Yut
Have you heard about the traditional board game of the Empyrean?
You know, life in Arad can be full of ups and downs! So in the beginning of each year, people of the Empyrean play this game to wish for good luck and fortune!
2017 is just around the corner! Let’s play a game of Yut!
<말풍선 대사>
Whoa, what is this place?!? I've never been here before.
와, 여긴 어디지?!? 한번도 와 본 적이 없는데.

<말풍선 대사>
There are so many interesting things here!
여기엔 재밌는 것들이 너무 많아!

<말풍선 대사>
How about a game of Yut with me?
나랑 윷놀이 하지 않을래?

<말풍선 대사>
What an awesome place. I am so glad I came here!
정말 멋진 곳인 걸. 여기 와서 너무 기뻐!

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