2023년 1월 6일 금요일

미국 던파 대사집 - 몬스터 콜로세움

Imperial Strategist Nolan has been watching what’s happening around Arad, and he thinks they have to prepare for the battle against the Apostles in advance. So far, they have escaped from the threat with the help of a few strong adventurers, but they cannot depend on them forever. Nolan thinks that besides the trained military, they have to hire various mercenaries and train them to become cunning strategists to fight against the Apostles.

Nolan, worried to no end, finally decided to make a battle simulation with all the monsters and Apostles that have appeared in Arad. If they know the information about their enemies, they can use various mercenaries at the right time and exploit their enemy’s weaknesses.

Not long after, Nolan made a simulator which recorded all that had happened in Arad and allowed one to try battling against enemies who have appeared so far. With this, Adventurers can undergo a simulation of the battle with Apostles or meet other Adventurers and pit their own strategies against them. Nolan passed of this simulator as a video game so he could get Adventurers to become engaged naturally.

The distributed game was called "Monster Colosseum." It tells the story of Adventurers who uses their ability to summon and dominate monsters in order to save Arad from the Apostles.

Imperial Strategist Nolan's Call to Arms

제국 전략가 놀런의 소집

Hey you, Adventurer! Come here for a sec.
이봐, 모험가! 잠깐 이리 와 봐.
What is going on?
무슨 일이죠?
Our Empire is looking for a brilliant strategist to fight against the Apost… No, wait, that's not it.
Forget what I just said! Ahem.
The Empire has high hopes for its gaming industry. Which is why we are currently looking for some beta testers. You look bored; want to try your hand at it?
우리 제국은 사도와 싸울 훌륭한 전략가를 찾고 있는데... 아니, 잠깐, 그게 아닌데.
방금 한 말 잊어버려! 엣헴.
제국은 게임 산업에 큰 기대를 걸고 있어. 그래서 현재 베타 테스터를 찾고 있거든. 심심해 보이는데 한번 해볼래?

Talk to Nolan.
놀런과 대화.

<퀘스트 완료>
Good! Try this out then.
좋아! 그럼 이거 한번 해봐.

<가이드 설명>
First you're going to need a trusty companion to start the game, right? Click on Summon Monster.
우선 게임을 시작하려면 신뢰할 수 있는 동료가 필요하겠지? 몬스터 소환을 클릭해봐.
Clicking on the Summon button consumes Monster Coins to summon monsters.
소환 버튼을 클릭하면 몬스터 코인이 소모되어 몬스터가 소환돼.
Let's start the game now that we have some trusty companions!
믿을 만한 동료가 생겼으니 게임을 시작하자!
Click on the "?" button in the top-right corner of the screen if you have any questions about the game. Now then, good luck and goodbye!
게임에 대해 궁금한 점이 있으시면 화면 오른쪽 상단 구석에 있는 "?" 버튼을 클릭하면 돼. 자, 그럼 행운을 빌어 안녕!

<던전 스토리들>

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