2023년 9월 20일 수요일

미국 던파 대사집 - 커스텀 에픽 탐사대

Hugh Fitzlary, who is researching the powerful magic emerging from the midst of a storm,
recently discovered a small rift in the increasingly unstable dimensional storm.
The appearance is very similar to Storm's Wrath, but there is a subtle difference in the currents flowing.
Due to the sudden change, he feels a sense of urgency, as the small rift is likely to close soon.
He must obtain more data as soon as possible before the rift is closed.
Will he be able find meaningful information within the time limit? Time is running out!
He decides to once again request the help of the Adventurer, who had investigated the Storm's Wrath with him previously.

Form the Custom Epic Expedition

커스텀 에픽 탐사대 결성

Adventurer, have you entered Storm's Wrath in the Erlox area?
It seems something strange is going on here. Please come see me soon.
모험가, 에를록스에 있는 폭풍의 역린에 들어가 보았나?
뭔가 이상한 일이 있는 것 같네. 빨리 찾아와주게.

Talk to Hugh Fitzlary located in Erlox - Storm's Wrath
에를록스 - 폭풍의 역린에 있는 휴 피츠래리와 대화

<퀘스트 완료>
Thank you for coming here. You'll be able to find some new rifts when entering Storm's Wrath. Would you be able to investigate them?
We don't have much time. If you help out with my investigations, I'll give you this potion that has the essence of my research. Try using it before you enter.
와줘서 고맙네. 폭풍의 역린에 들어가보면 새로운 균열을 발견할 수 있을 걸세. 조사해 주겠나?
시간이 얼마 없으니 조사를 도와주면 연구의 정수가 담긴 포션을 주겠네. 들어가기 전에 한번 써보세나.

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