With Valentines Day around the corner, a strange monster who calls himself the Chocolatier has appeared in Seria's Room! This shady looking monster claims to be a master in making chocolates! It's hard to believe but let's give making chocolates a try, shall we?
<말풍선 대사>
This chocolate is so sweet!
이 초콜릿 참 달콤해!
<말풍선 대사>
The chocolates you are making are made in the most simplest way.
만들고 있는 초콜릿은 가장 쉬운 방법으로 만들어져.
<말풍선 대사>
When creating chocolates, there are complicated processes such as Refining, Conching, Tempering, Molding, etc. but we will skip it this time.
초콜릿을 만들 때 정련, 콘칭, 템퍼링, 몰딩 등 복잡한 과정이 있지만 이번에는 생략하는거야.
<말풍선 대사>
Cacao Pod has Polyphenol which can be beneficial to your health.
카카오 포드엔 건강에 이로운 폴리페놀이 들어있어.
(2025 We Need More Chocolate!)
<말풍선 대사>
Give me the Sweet Chocolates!
달콤한 초콜릿 주세요!
<말풍선 대사>
Please give me the chocolate you get from dungeons!
던전에서 습득한 초콜릿을 주세요!
Chocolate, chocolate~! I want to eat more chocolate! Won't you give me a little more?
초콜릿, 초콜릿~! 초콜릿 더 먹고 싶어요! 조금만 더 주면 안될까요?
Break open the gift boxes that appear in dungeons to earn Sweet Chocolates!
던전에 나타나는 선물 상자를 부수면 달콤한 초콜릿을 얻을 수 있어요!
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